Enrolment Number (Unique Alpha Numeral Number) is assigned to the Students at the time of admission and it will be intimated through the Admission cum ID Card. This Number is valid for the entire duration of the course of study. Students are advised to indicate their Enrolment Number in all the correspondence with the School of Distance Education, Bharathiar University to facilitate prompt response.
An identity Card will be issued at the time of admission. This is valid for the entire duration of the course. The students are advised to keep this ID card while attending the both the Personal Conduct Programme Theory and Practical classes, the university officials may verify as and when required. Further, study materials will be issued only on production of their ID Card. Hall tickets for the University Examinations will be issued by the Chief Superintendents only on production of this ID card.
Students are advised to keep their ID Card safely, as they provide proof of their bonafide student status. In case of loss of the ID Card will be issued on a written request accompanied by a prescribed fee (ie.150 INR/-). However, students who have completed the duration of the course of study will be issued bonafide certificate only for the purpose of appearing for the supplementary examinations.
If a student changes his/her name during the course of study, it should be brought to the notice of the SDE immediately. The change of Name of the Candidate has to be effected in the official records of the School of Distance Education. Application to this effect should be made to "The Director, School of Distance Education, Bharathiar University" in the prescribed format along with the prescribed fee (ie.500 INR/-) along with xerox copy of Gazette/order from the appropriate government office.
Candidates should make sure that any change in the address is promptly communicated to the School of Distance Education by sending a letter in the standard format with the prescribed fee (ie.100 INR/-). They should also ensure that an acknowledgment is received form the SDE and kept along with the ID card for future reference. A minimum of four weeks is required for effecting the change of address.
Students are permitted to change their Study Centre during the First Three Months of every year during the course of study. After completing the course, the students are not permitted to change thier study centre at any circumstances. The Students those who seeking for a change of Study Centre should make an application in the prescribed format along with the required fee (ie.150 INR/-). The School of Distance Education reserves the rights to date of effect.
The Change of Course / Specialization is permitted within one month of admission to the course on specific request with the prescribed format along with the necessary fee (ie. For Change of Course 600 INR/-; For Change of Specialization 1200 INR/-).
The relevant syllabus copy will be issued at the beginning of the programme. Study material prepared will be supplied at the allotted PCP centres or Spot Admission cum Learning / Information Centres, where they were admitted on production of the ID card. Students admitted directly at the School of Distance Education and can get the study materials in person at SDE (or) the PCP centres during the period of contact classes or by post on payment of RS.250/- in the form of DD in favour of "The Director, School of Distance Education, Bharathiar University payable at Coimbatore". Study materials, on any account will not be issued to any person (even parents, brothers, sisters or friends) other than the student. Though Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Malayalam, Hindi, Urdu, Arabic and French are offered as language under Part I of the Under-Graduate Degree Programmes, the School will supply the study material only for Tamil subject. The students should make their own arrangements to procure the prescribed reference / text books for other languages.
Bharathiar University has established unique and prestigious Study Centres/Spot Admission Centres to enroll students for various courses and Conduct Personal Contact Classes for both theory and practical in their premises by their experienced teachers. Personal Contact Class are arranged to cover the syllabus elaborately and to provide more and more computer oriented hands on training.
The Spot Admission cum Learning / Information Centres, will intimate the same to the students admitted by them. The percentage of attendance for theory will be intimated upon admission. The School of Distance Education reserves the right to conduct or not to conduct the Personal Contact Programmes in a subject! subjects for valid reasons. Students of Non Lab and Non Professional Courses are exempted from attending PCP on valid reason and on submission of an undertaking towards that in the format prescribed therefore. Students of MBA Programme have been provided with the option of selecting Online Contact Programme in lieu of Personal Contact Programme.
Attendance at Personal Contact Programmes (PCP) as per the University norms.