Student Support Service Courses offered (ODL) Courses offered (Online) Approved LSCs PCP Schedule Contact Guide
Bharathiar University Logo Centre for Distance and Online Eudcation, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore - 46

The School of Distance Education is Schedule to conduct the Personal Contact Programme (PCP) for various courses at the Headquarter are given below.

  1. The School of Distance Education reserves the right to conduct or not to conduct the Personal Contact Programmes in a subject(s) for valid reasons.
  2. The Detailed schedule of the PCP's (Theory Classes) shall be issued by the Co-ordinator at the first PCP classes.
  3. Continuous Internal Assessment (CIA) Marks is 25 are distributed as follows
    • 15 Marks for Test (Best of two CIA test)
    • 5 Marks for Assignment (best of two assignments)
    • 5 Marks for participation of all the course related activities
  4. The Student has minimum attendance of 75 per cent in the programme specific Personal Contact Programme (excluding counselling) and lab component of each of the programmes to attend the Term End Examinations.