Warm Greetings from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. I welcome you on behalf of School of Distance Education of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India.
The School of Distance Education (SDE) of Bharathiar University was established during the academic year 1991-1992. All the courses offered by SDE are approved by University Grants Commission, Distance Education Council (UGC-DEC) and then Distance Education Bureau (UGC-DEB), under the Ministry of Human Resources Development, Government of India. School of Distance Education of Bharathiar University is strictly adhering the UGC-DEB regulations as and when amended in the Gazette of Government of India.
Now-a-days, distance education plays a vital role for the communities which strive to pursue higher education. The Open and Distance Learning (ODL) system in India has been an important mode for providing Higher Education (HE) to diverse sections of society for the past six decades under the regulations notified by UGC. The School of Distance Education of Bharathiar University has been providing the HE via ODL mode for the past three decades.
Due to the advancement of information technology, the changing dynamics of the distance education, and, in view of post-Covid 19 global educational scenario, the role and significance of online learning has become inevitable. In this context, the SDE of Bharathiar University launches online degree programmes by providing quality education as per the UGC-DEB regulations, from the academic year 2022-2023.
With a dedicated team of faculty who have a rich experience in teaching and research are sharing their domain knowledge as Programme and Course Co-ordinators, mentors and dedicated and experienced administrative staff, the University has emerged as one of the strong pillars of higher education not only in the state and the nation but also around the globe.
The Bharathiar University is well connected to various Bus / Train / Air terminus. Bus (Public Transport) is available frequelty from various terminus of Coimbatore City to Maruthamalai. Especially, Gandhipuram Bus Stand to Maruthamalai having the facility at evey 10 minutes and the distance between various terminus of Coimbatore City to Bharathiar University is given below.